Monday, December 07, 2009

Sculpture-fobia, sculpture-mania

Hallo people, I can say for myself that I am an artist, but I am also a sculpture-maniac, so my disease is sculpture-mania... If you do not have any sculptures in your environment you must be a sculpture-fobiac :)

Here is a photo what I do with my sculptures (you can see the front of my studio and I can guarantee you that it will be more)...



Schmusie said...

hihi, mignon tes ptits sert tête

Dzenan said...

merci, merci et encore merci et cmok!

Trista said...

Is this not dangerous - it do look like you put the wheels just over a way and they look very heavy

Some of them look pretty good

Dzenan said...

We will see - I think it will not come down :) and if I hope that nobody will be under it...