From my journey to Paris
I added on my sidebar a little diary-link about my journey to Paris and here is a nice slide-show PR from this trip (check it out) - ;P
just a blog
I added on my sidebar a little diary-link about my journey to Paris and here is a nice slide-show PR from this trip (check it out) - ;P
by Dzenan at 12:35 am
Labels: artist_himself, private
EEEEEEEE, ukinu ovu muziku, bas je sranje sto ne mogu da je iskljuchim izmeshala se sa mojom, aaaa.GRGRGRG
Mozes - trebas je iskljuciti za sada 2 puta i onda nikad vise i to radis tako sto kliknes na mali zvucnik u lijevom uglu i to i u mom side-baru a i u postu...
@ all - to turn of the music from the slideshow click the little speacker in der left corner (down) over the "Rock You" symbol (in the sidebar and on my post) ;)
P.S. I like country pop (hihihi)
hej Dude
I like the music - faith is always good
cheers 2 U 2
thanx to jamie :)
there was not really a choice about music ;)
Dragi Milenko - iskljucih muziku, vidis kako sam ja jako fin :)
@ jamie - I just turned off the music :) the most people already listen something when they surf the net..sooo ;)
cheeeers babe
thanx for the music, it was unbearable....:=)
I am sad, I liked the country pop music
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