Tuesday, May 08, 2007

the new day!

Today it was a very funny day and since long time I try again something new, something that I never did before - and now...I will have to do it again...

And here we go – the new day has arrived, I am still playing with grandpa Milvus the decision where and how much "exhis" we will/want (and if) have. But until that I can not just drink beer, smoke the nargille and do nothing, I prefer to do something and than to drink the beer and to smoke the nargilleeeeeej ;)...

The next time I will have to have colors and than we will see what can a man do on the ground. Here in Avignon we have a place where the young creative people can explain their selves – where they can use some walls and make some very interesting draw/paint/graffiti and for few days I will have to join them than it is just exiting to make something that we never do normally...

... and when I say normally I actually means something that we didn’t do every day!

So let’s have fun and be the children in us for one day at least :)

and the final product



Anonymous said...

Pas mal, tu as l'air de t'éclater en tout cas!

Anonymous said...

hier, c'était trés chouette!!!!!!
on remettra ça!!
bière, graffiti et soleil! la belle vie!!

Anonymous said...

YAY! Dzenan finally goes Graffiti!

il y a aussi une place comme ça ici, c'est sur le chemin pour ma université...

Anonymous said...

hy (-:
dich zu finden ist wahrlich nicht schwer (-: nach paris habe ich es noch nicht geschafft, dafür nach teheran..falls mal in wien station machst..meld dich einfach..goderti la vita ulli

Anonymous said...


Dzenan said...

@ ace alias elisabeth ... je dit OUI!!!

Dzenan said...

@ boulette... hi little A ;) I liked what you did this day very much and what mr. Th did also... photos are great , I will upload some of them to my ringo.com account!!!!

Dzenan said...

@ andrej... YAY
shade das dein Prag-semester um ist oder beinahe...
Dzenan goes strange ways!!!!
Je suis only one of the sons awake!!!! the gardian of the night..the new artist king!

P.S. Jaegermeister is coming to Avignon- cool???

Dzenan said...

@ ulli... bekommst ne mail von mir ;)

Dzenan said...

@ andy
hmm do I understand you? jolues because I do graf? or ecause I am an artist?? means drawings, paintings, sclptures and beer, beer, beeeeer / womans include ---- sex, dr, rock n roll baby!!!!??

Anonymous said...

like i told you i will commmment your last post..
why do you not put your last drawing on the blog?? skype is much more easy!!!!

Dzenan said...

...because the drawing is not finish yet!!!! my friend jamie...

Anonymous said...

still, why you have than showen it to me on skype???

Dzenan said...

let s skype about this and I promise in few days the drawing will be on skype???? OK?

Anonymous said...

C U skype refresh boy ;)

P.S. @ Elisabeth .. " tu as l'air de t'éclater en tout cas!" means you look like you amuse you very well????

P.P.S. @ martino (somewhere in EU) - can I comment your blog, too??? Someone answer me pls?

Anonymous said...

I just want to say - Irony has some of its foundation in the onlooker’s perception of paradox which arises from insoluble problems and artist should think about it!!!!

Anonymous said...

@ andy
Ironie definition by Wikipedia???