Wednesday, October 28, 2015

heir of future

What DO YOU see?

what if I tell you that everything you see is just a part of something bigger or just a small break from the real reality? What if I tell you that this is art itself? What if I tell you that you should google "Heineken deft blue mug"?

That's all the secret of the universe - you just have to know to ask the right question on the right place and to see the whole image and than it becomes clear.


post scriptum - it is not a bar code on the left - I just like playing with photoshop.

Monday, October 26, 2015

legend in your own mind

Here I am in my studio, surrounded by paintings and artworks from the past (the quite new one and the very older one). The oldest object that passed by my hands was from the early 1500. But to stay honest the most objects are from the 18th, 19th century and from almost today. I do not count my objects (made by me) - but I dot count them quite as art as well. Than to rethink, I still have fun doing them.
So here I am in my studio and I look at all the paintings, all the hours the painter has spent to make them, all the work, all the time and guess what - they are sentimental - they are worth nothing , except for the owners they are quite something. That is the sad point of how we function and who tell us what is worth and what is not.
Give me any painting in the world and hide the signature - I will tell you, if it is a good work or not, if the painter know his doing or not, if it will last or not - in other words is it a good painting. I do not care for signatures, I do not care about some value any system in any time have made - for me what counts is the process of creation and how is it made - everything else are just stupid details in a stupid society we live in.

Here I was yesterday in front of my computer on a social network, surrounded by posts of things people do, say, think, like, photos and so on…

Maybe the tools have changed and the todays good selfies are the auto portraits from the past - it just took to much time before. But to be honest and to stay a legend in at least my own mind - today everybody can take a photo, but who cares - in the past only the great ones have made selfies and 500 years later we still remember them and even pay to go to see them in a museum.

So here I am in my studio surrounded by paintings and artworks from the past and I am happy.
Hope you can say the same thing I just did.

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

The hot chocolate theory

File:Hot chocolate in Montsalvat , Melbourne.jpg
a photo from wikimedia (File:Hot chocolate in Montsalvat , Melbourne.jpg) 
photo credit goes to MACINATE who uploadet the photo on flickr under the title -
"Yumm - hot chocolate on a winter's day" (the links included will guide you to the source of the photo - with much more photos to admire and to the copyright holder of this one as well - thank you macinate for the stunning and beautiful photo I "borrow" for this post - and thanx also to "aki" for reminding me how creative commons and wikimedia and all the copyright jungle works)... 

Today it was rain, thunder, storm, lightening and it is so cold outside - the best way to handle this situation is to keep calm, to make you a hot chocolate, to take a great book or not (to write something, to draw, to paint, to think, to do nothing), to sit beside your window and to enjoy the theater of nature, if you can. But if you are stuck in a train, "hmmmm" you can still enjoy it and look at it that way - it is better to be on a train in this situation than in a airplane - at least less scary. I know what I am talking about...

I love storms (not the very serious once) but the small once - for me it could happens every Sunday afternoon, but probably not for anyone. But for hot chocolate there is no special time - it can happen every time if you want - for me it is my Wednesday hot chocolate time right now.

Cheers and happy enjoying.


Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Publishers, publishing houses and distributors

Just few words to what I have learned on my own by trying to publish a book in the last 5 years (smart and geeky people would found this in 5 days on Internet, but people like me have to do it old school and to verify it and to waste time).

The first ones I call them fishing publishers are just fakes and if a publisher want you to pay a part of printing costs you will end up with 20.000 copies of your book few months later if you buy them in the end otherwise they will be burned. 

Publishing your own book by you is also silly - since just to print it out and to have it in your home - who cares (or you write it for friends and you print like 20 copies) ;)

A real publisher will take all the risk, will pay everything, will have distributors and will make a lot of publicity for it, since he want to make the most of it. You as a writer will end up famous if your book is a best seller. For your first book a real and serious publisher will propose you 8% to 12% (if your book sells for 30 you will gain like 3 and the 27 goes to the publisher). If a publisher offers you 30% try to smell the shit, since it is not real. And if your book goes and sell very very very well, than for the next one you can ask for more and if there is any chance you become the next J. K. Rowling you can ask whatever you want or start your own publishing house. Good luck with that.

Big and serious publishers are not difficult to find (just take a look at already printed books in bookstores. If you have a book already written than this is the way to contact a publisher. If you just started and have just this idea do not bother - there are millions of ideas - your book has to be finished, but do not expect a LE (literary editor) to read your 600 pages just because you have send it to them, since they have every day thousand of pages coming in.  

To make it simple:

1. Take a look what your publishing house is in (what king of "genre"). If you write a drama, do not expect a publishing house that publishes mostly crimes and action to take even a look at your book.

2. Try to contact the publishing house, ask for a LE and ask them if you can send them a description and an extract of your book. Ask for his name and hopefully he might agree.

3. If he agrees or if you just send it to the publishing house than this is the best way. Few words like dear "LE", here is a description and an extract from my book that has 654 pages for example and it is a "drama".

The description should never be longer than a page (and do not fool with different writing styles - use Courier or Arial and 12ft, since it is the quite easiest way for the LE to read it. Do not explain what you want to say, just give a short description of the whole story starting by what is the "genre".

Your extract should never bee more than around 30 pages (the introduction and one chapter your close friends and family might find very interesting, since you are not objective with yourself).

And you have to send also a prepaid reply envelope and if the LE think that your idea might be interesting you will get a letter or a call and they will ask you for the whole manuscript. And from that point on the real work starts, since they might ask you to rewrite some chapters, characters, scenes, to remove something, to develop more and so on and so on.   

That is the whole secret behind publishing your book. The most import remains still what you write and never forget if your character knock a nail in a wall at the beginning of the story in the end he should put a painting on it or hang himself in the end but you must never forget the nail - if you get my point. And if you reread your book, do not bee afraid to remove stuff or to change it.

So here is one more in the sea of thousands of article like that one. Was it useful - I do not know but the photo up there I took of this amazing house inspired me to write something.

Cheers and good luck       

Monday, October 12, 2015

Time, love, faith and free emotion x3

Already some years ago I started some paintings in Avignon with these themes, after I transformed it to graphics...

And does the title really mean something by looking at it - I guess I prefer to call it that way instead of "Elephants" and  "Strange people"

Wednesday, October 07, 2015

here we go again

Once upon a time you start something - do you carry it out until the end of time (your time)? This is a painting what you see up there - painted with oil colors on two separate wooden board (plank). Once upon a time I started to paint, to draw, to make something someone would call art (by it definition it might be), but there is art and there is so called art. In my case it started as a hobby, became professional for some times and today it is again just a hobby - so it makes more fun, since you do not must do it, so you do it quite more often and with pleasure and it is definitely not art.  
Once upon an other time I started this blog and few others like my so called "poetry" blog - and in my case it is not really poetry - just a bunch of words put together. So once upon that time I started a blog and for some time it was just fun. (Why I always want to write the word "just" like that - justE?) Than it become like something "must do" and so I stopped for a long time. Now when it is no more the "I have to blog, I must blog" it is become fun again. 
I am happy for the blogger out there taking this serious or making the living out of it - but it would not be something for me - I am old school and even if I do some Internet stuff I prefer my off-line life, my off-line job, my off-line family and my off-line friends - since the on-line ones become quite often a disappointment. Or I become one for them.

Not to go very much further, since I do not feel my legs any more because I am writing this on a trains water closet (toilette) - it is the only available outlet I could found. And it is time to work a little bit - there is so many things to do in the off-line world, like translating my "so called book" in German or English or both, since who want to read it in Bosnian language ;) - otherwise there is no guaranty that anyone want to read it in any other language - but who cares. And it was like with the  "art" - when the book become serious and people from a publishing house were recreating it and I had to rewrite it a dozen of time I quit, sold the rights, both them back a year later and finish it on my own, since it become a hobby again and it become fun. 

Cheers to all of you and happy Wednesday...