Sunday, May 17, 2009

Podcast hey, hey...

In the last time I have discovered Podcast, actually I knew it before, but I was not really interested in the topic. Since few months I am searching the net for interesting podcast-s and few weeks ago I found one - it is in German language an the name is "sleepless in Munich" (Schlaflos in Muenchen), moderated by Annik Rubens.

She has also a very funny and interesting idea - Her podcast on world tourney (People can take a photo of their IPod with the logo of sleepless in Munich (Schlaflos in Muenchen),and send it to her, she than make a huge collection with it on flickr...

So here is what I ahve shoot - SIM in Nebocaj. Enjoy it and I hope you enjoy the podcast in German language (I do it).


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