Saturday, September 22, 2007

the little monsters just before done!

and here is the todays just before done a making monster sculpture in my new glass-boxes with epoksy glue and much more funny (I loved it) details...

the final photos if I make them tomorrow I will post very soon - probably a photo of each monster!!!

The little monsters are before made by newspaper and toaletpaper (it is sometimes the same thing actually)... (detail in the right box - just click the image to enlarge)...

like you can see (if you remembar - five to little sculptures in "gips") are also placed into my glass-boxes...

like ever and ever and ever - before (means during the work and after of c..)

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

and 2 new experiments

I actually never do graphics, paintings or whatever with motives like this two! But I took a look at my oncle(s) studio...he do a lot of realism paintings, but his paintings are really REAL!... I just enjoy my way ;)

remakes part I and II

I just remade 2 paintings from me (I did long time ago), but this time like graphics on paper - before it was oil on canvas!

So here they are:

Part I

Part II

Thursday, September 13, 2007

... and after part 3

I just wanted to post this finished work I did like 10 days before - so this is the final product for now - but will it bee THE final one we will see in the future (hehehe)...

Form an her former

...and here the story beginnnnnnnnn(s)...
- 3 experimental sculptures, the small one is around 15cm long, the second 25-30 and the last one over 45cm...the material I used is gips and the patina is a fire-made patina where the pigments were burned in fire for over 20 minutes - this patina makes the gips very unstable, it takes the "kristal-water" from him , so he become less strong and sometimes he breaks (like on the last photo). Still I like these kind of sculptures and experiments - next step is to build a protection box (like a little vitrin) for the sculptures.

From the first fort to final patina - the fire-made patina is the last one (right)...detailspatina and the form broken because of fire-made patina for the last accent (right)

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Before and after part 2

I thought I could rework again on some old works - so, here is the result ;)

it s funny, how different I think now!

Monday, September 10, 2007

Sunday, September 09, 2007

a little instalation near my studio

...finally, one of my two projects are finally ready and the future you will see a lot of installation like this one in the new-age mountain museums in southern France, in the Staaaates and probably (we all cross the fingers) near Delhi and Dubai...

Friday, September 07, 2007

it works

...finally I did not expected that the bosnian Post-office would send my letter again to Tokyo - but it worked...and so looked the letter on his way again to the France ... we will see how and if it will arrived there and from there it goes to Germany!

Monday, September 03, 2007

Sunday, September 02, 2007

2005 and now


2007 - today - still not fi nished