Deprivation of progressive art-works
Decision is one period in our life where we choose to reach the heaven or to go straight to hell? Can we choose not to choose? What would if…, we can keep asking us or we just make the next step and try to understand. But to understand what?
1). I am like I am and you are like you are!
2). I have my way and you have your!
3). You are not the center of my world, because I am!
4). If you becomes the center of my world than it will be love!
5). I can decide for me and for you, but you can choose if I decide for you!
6). Whatever I do I have to live with it as well as the rest of the world only 24 hours a day until the end of my life.
7). I cannot be Michelangelo as well you neither, but I can choose to become better as you as well!
8). You can hate or love me but you have not to share your moments with me.
9). I can hate or love you and still share or not my moments with you!
And finally I am I and You are You and if we meet once we can spend the rest of our life together or not, but if it is so and we do not like each other than go in peace your way and I will do the same and go my way, than you cannot change me if I am not willing to change and you have to understand that you are not the center of any worlds beside your own world and probably once the world of the one who really loves you!
And when you understand all this than you can choose and the renaissance will live in you as much as it lives once in Michelangelo and you will be happy and your decision will always be right...
...and all of this is what I wanted to say with every peace of this art-work called “Dzenan and Marie” – the Artist and his “MUSE”!
Hej dude
I like very much your painting (colage) fro you and your girl..
hope you will be good after july?
Good luck in Paris and make the right decisions-
throwing a coin is not a solution ;)
Do not worry my friend - have I ever made a wrong decision - like Buddha said: " the whole universe is working for you, you can not choose wrong!"..the only wrong thing would be not to chose ;)
God helps us (me and around me) after the 28th july... ;)
greetings at your familly
Ko se to nama zaljubio, heheheh, cheers and good luck,hehehehehhihihih. I want be obscene witha you, you do not deserve it.
A little spelling mistake, I doi not want to be obsce wuth ya.
@ milvus - korekcija
.."ko se to nama SRETNO zaljubio"..hehehe
pa da bas to, lepo, bash mi je drago, ali pazi rastanak, moze jako da zaboli, chuvaj se, i uzivaj.
samo sam realan sa ovim sto kazem.
@milvus - kakav rastanak?? mi se ne rastajemo vise, samo smo povremeno u 2 drzave dok malcka ne diplomira... ;)
AHa, to je toliko ozbiljno tim bolje, ajde sada se seti kako si kukako pre par meseci, ajde smej se i treba da ti bude smeshno, stvari se menjaju dok puknesh prstima.
@ milvus - ja sam happy i sve ide kako treba, sretan : svakako, malecka: savrsena... a secam se jos dosta toga od prije par sedmica, prije par mjeseci, prije par godina ne bih bas sad ovdi javno da komentarisem o tome ko je o cemu kukao i koliko... ;)jesil skontao da bi mozda trebao da izbjegavas zene cije ime pocinje sa M...hehehe
P.S. i sve to od kako si dosao u Marseille je pocelo..a sad si u Montpellieru - to te slovo M prati "M"ilenko...
cujes li se sa "M"artinom???
Da bash si lepo primetio prati me slovo M, CALL M FOR MURDER,buahahahahahahaha,ne nisam se chuo sa njim, ajde cimni me pa da se nesto dogovorimo.
E samo nemaj leba ti i ti kao M'artin da pochnesh da prosipash neke svadbe zenidbe itd,molim te i ako jeste, zaobidljime, hehehe, salim se.
any translation please???
@ Andy
This some personal things, i mean beacuse of that we are using the coded language. Also beacuse in some sense it is a serious offtopicing.
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